P90X Wrap-Up

P90X Review Conclusion
Way back at the end of July, I started training with P90X, and chronicling the progress for you, our readers.
Here we are, at the beginning of December, and I feel that it’s time to bring this to an end.
The program is broken down into three phases, each three weeks long with one week of “lighter” exercise. Don’t be fooled-all this means is that there is no resistance workouts. You still get to do all of the other fun “cardio” workouts.
- Phase 1 is rough and tumble, especially if this is your first time. You’ll be doing a ton of push-ups and pull/chin-ups.
- Phase 2 relies on a lot of dumbbell, or band work.
- Phase 3 is a mish-mash of the first two phases.
As you can see, it’s always changing. I promise you this, you’ll never get bored!
The P90X program is intense. You will get out of it exactly what you put in. If you slack, you will see squat for results. On the flip side, push yourself and give your all-you will see serious gains.
The DVD’s are laid out in a very professional manner. First, they are organized in a handy flip-case, making it very easy to find your workout du jour. Second, the production quality is very professional.
The time countdown at the bottom of the screen is a major plus. It will either let you know that you’re almost done, or that you’re only half way into your torture session.
I’ve had one complaint from the very beginning-the workouts are too long. On average, you’re looking at an hour. On top of that, the Ab Ripper X is supposed to be piggybacked on to the end of the resistance sessions. That’s another twenty minutes.
Then there’s the yoga workout. 90 minutes total run time. I’ll be honest; I never made it past the halfway point. It’s right about the middle that two things are experienced:
- My body is telling me that I’ve had enough.
- The yoga poses are to difficult for this guy to do.
It was suggested by a couple of people to split some of the workouts up. For instance, part in the morning, and part in the evening. That’s all well and good if you can do that. My schedule’s already nuts, and I get up early enough as it is.
Parting Shots
If you’re not in shape, this is NOT the program for you. There are far better choices available for you.
On the other hand, if you have any amount of fitness, you should find P90X to be challenging, and worth the effort.
I have to add one more thing. If you think that your going to see the results shown on the infomercial, you have to understand that there is a diet that goes along with the program. You don’t have to use the Beachbody products, but you should seriously consider following the diet that they outline.
I can’t emphasize enough that point. If you don’t adjust the way that you eat, you will not see the fat loss that you’ll be expecting.
So, would I suggest P90X? The short answer is yes. The program is challenging, requires little equipment, and kicks some serious butt.
Please keep in mind that this is not an endorsement of other Beachbody products, or services.
**ED** If you’re looking for a workout that you can get in, and get out, but still kicks some serious backside, consider an alternative.
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December 15, 2010 at 12:36 pm
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Todd Boyer, Todd Boyer. Todd Boyer said: My P90X Wrap-Up http://bit.ly/eDM7CC […]
December 15, 2010 at 1:19 pm
My husband’s co-worker did P90X and had such excellent results that he was tapped to be part of the infomercial. He declined, but his YouTube footage is still part of the infomercial.
Yum Yucky´s last [type] ..Tasting! Amy’s Rice Mac & Cheese
December 15, 2010 at 2:26 pm
@Yum Yucky, It’s a great program. I liked it a lot. The workouts all had great production value, and were worth the money. You definitely get out of it what you put in.
I’ll keep an eye out for that clip on Youtube.
Todd´s last [type] ..Free Advertising Drawing
December 17, 2010 at 2:21 pm
My brother did this program and he really liked it. Is it in the same class as the female “Slim in Six”? If so, I did that and had great success about 6 years ago but I was at 160 then.
December 17, 2010 at 2:27 pm
Great question. Never having done Slim in Six, I can only go by what I’ve read. I believe that the idea is the same. Basically it involves three resistance and three “cardio” workouts per week. The “cardio” segment consisted of some serious yoga, kickboxing, and plyometrics (jumping). Thee is also a stretching workout that I really enjoyed.
To go along with the workout, there is a meal plan (which I lost in our last move). I think that is one of the most important parts of the program, along with the ever-changing workouts.
December 22, 2010 at 1:19 pm
Hey Todd, ironic about what I just said on my soap box to you on my website responding to a comment you left. I said those DVDs are too intense for most people. Part of that is the length of the workouts in addition to the intensity. You are totally right about your assessment of P90X. This is not for beginners and sometimes not even for intermediates. Less intense workouts with a lower duration work. This is overkill.
Susan@Home Workouts´s last [type] ..Can A Home Workout Save You Money
December 22, 2010 at 1:40 pm
@Susan, you’re absolutely right. The workouts are very intense. Mr. Horton’s approach was that if you need to take a break, do so. Plus they had one of the demonstrators doing “modified” versions for those that would fall in the non-advanced skill lesson. I still found myself trying to keep pace with them step-by-step.
December 23, 2010 at 1:38 pm
Congrats. P90X is certainly awesome. Although I didn’t see infomercial-type results, it worked very well. After I finished I took a while off and then tried Insanity. It’s more intense but the workouts are not quite as long (for the first month). It’s a lot more cardio. But very high intensity. During insanity, when I wanted a day “off”, I would do a P90x routine. Give it a shot.
Marie@Top 10 Heart Rate Monitors´s last [type] ..Mio Classic Select Petite Heart Rate Monitor Watch Review
December 27, 2010 at 11:00 am
Several people I know like the P90X system but with my time being so tight, I can barely find 15 minutes a day to work out and cannot commit to such an extensive program.
Justin Germino´s last [type] ..Passing Off an Original Guest Post
December 27, 2010 at 12:00 pm
@Justin, I understand and totally sympathize with the busy schedule. When I was young, I was a gym rat, and spend HOURS a day in the gym. Not anymore-I’m all about my 30-minute workouts. I’m in and out.
Thanks for stopping by. I’m a fan DragonBlogger.com-Go check it out now.
December 28, 2010 at 9:46 am
I feel that 75% of the progress made by people in the testimonials, videos, and infomercials are a result of the P90X diet. Not saying that the workout didn’t help, it is pretty demanding. My major issue with P90X is the length of each workout. I can set aside 45-60 minutes several days a week for a workout, but I just don’t have 1.5-2 hrs, 6 days a week to train according to their plan. Obviously the routine can be altered to meet any schedule, but I suppose that voids the warranty.
Project Swole´s last [type] ..The Top 5 Best Forearm Exercises
December 28, 2010 at 10:53 am
First, I have to say that I’m honored to have you come by Steve. That’s very cool.
I’m right there with you on the length of time that this program requires, AND on the need to use the diet in order to see the crazy results.
The 45-50 minute workout to me is much more manageable. I’ve been reading a bit lately about Craig Ballantyne’s Turbulence Training. It fits the time bill. Requires no cardio (built into the system), and uses little to know equipment.
Granted, when I train for powerlifting, I need my equipment. Otherwise, I like the idea of minimization.
July 8, 2011 at 9:06 am
[…] write about their experiences with P90X. Others are personal trainers who write about write about fitness. One is even a kick ass […]